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For the fourth time in a row, a GROB apprentice has designed and manufactured the KRAFTHAND Technology Award, which is given out every other year by Krafthand Medien GmbH from Bad Wörishofen to manufacturers of particularly innovative workshop products. Simon Frey (18), who is currently training to be an industrial mechanic at GROB, handed the trophy over to Krafthand Medien's managing director, Steffen Karpstein, accompanied by Christian Grob.

Simon Frey follows Achim Baumann, Florian Krauss and Cornelius Amann as the fourth apprentice from GROB to have had this distinction; it only took him three weeks to make his idea a reality. It is no wonder that Simon Frey is proud of his work and, more especially, of the fact that the winner will receive an award that has been specially designed and manufactured by him for the occasion.

GROB apprentices have demonstrated their creativity in very different projects and work. Be it designing the GROB logo as a pin board, or with 87 apprentices standing in formation to spell out the four-letter logo of their company.  The apprentices continually impress and surprise with their creativity, such as the technology award for Krafthand Media mentioned above, the production of a footballer for a secondary school or the antique water meter to mark the 35th anniversary of the Mindelheim Clock Museum two years ago. It goes without saying that this has taken outstanding craftsmanship and extreme precision, both of which have always been key elements of vocational training at GROB.