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The smallest 5-axis machining center from GROB, the G150, achieved first place in the machine review of the trade magazine “Produktion,” winning a comparison among 58 evaluated milling machines from European manufacturers.
[Translate to en US:] GROB-Universalmaschine G150

Since 2007, the trade magazine “Produktion” has reviewed around 58 milling machines from European manufacturers on the basis of a utility value analysis based on eight different characteristics. In this comparison, the universal machining center G150 from GROB achieved the best result. The eight evaluation criteria include machine commissioning, maintainability, automation, control system, ease of changeover, service, total cost of ownership (TCO), and contract terms. The G150 was awarded the maximum point score in four out of eight criteria alone and won with 483 out of a possible 500 points ahead of the other competitors. 


In the individual evaluations, particular emphasis was placed on machine commissioning (easy adjustment of the machine geometry by means of three fixators), dynamic values, automation components, and up-to-the-minute changeover options and machine controls. “We are very pleased with this great result of the machine review,” commented Tobias Trautmann, GROB division manager for universal machine sales, on this great success, adding: “The fact that our smallest universal machining center, of all of our machines, emerged as the winner from the comparison with 57 other competitors is proof of the uniqueness of our G-module concept.”


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