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In addition to the three Managing Directors at GROB-WERKE, our production sites in Brazil, the USA, China and Italy have their own plant management team. What's so special about them? With an average affiliation of more than 17 years, GROB is way above the average for comparable companies.

The Management Board

The work of our Management Board is shaped by long-standing experience and trailblazing activities, which ensure stability and sustainable growth throughout the entire GROB Group.

<span class="kw" translate="no">German Wankmiller</span>
German Wankmiller

Chairman of the Board & CEO


  • Production, Technology, Administration 
  • With the company since 1989
Wolfram Weber
Wolfram Weber

Deputy Chairman of the Board


  • Finance, Purchasing, IT, HR
  • With the company since 2007
Christian Müller
Christian Müller

Member of the Board


  • Sales, Planning, Marketing
  • With the company since 2001
Management of the production plants

The Managing Directors of our production plants are long-standing managers of GROB-WERKE who safeguard the company's global activities through their skills and experience.

Michael Bauer

President, B. GROB do Brasil S.A., Brazil


  • Production, Technology, Administration
  • With the company since 1987
Oscar Passos

Vice President, B. GROB do Brasil S.A., Brazil


  • Administration, Finance, IT, Purchasing, Import and Export
  • With the company since 2002
Michael Hutecker

CEO, President, GROB Systems, Inc., USA


  • Production, Technology, Finance, Administration
  • With the company since 1984
Sebastian Klingler

CEO, GROB Machine Tools (China) Co., Ltd.


  • Sales, Planning, Finance, Production, Technology, Administration
  • With the company since 2011
Pier Paolo Villois

CEO, GROB Italy S.r.l.


  • Finance, Administration, Production, Technology, Purchasing, IT
  • Part of the Group since 2020 and with DMG meccanica since 2012

GROB worldwide

Find out more about our production plants.