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Three generations of measurable success

The history of GROB as a company is closely linked to the various personalities of the Grob family. These personalities have had a lasting impact on the global family-managed company since it was founded, and are still firmly anchored in its culture.

"My greatest experience, which was to become a guiding light throughout my entire life, was my father's relationship with his employees. It was shaped by the responsibility he felt towards them. As well as being the boss, he always had a sympathetic ear and a broad understanding of their troubles and concerns. His approach culminated in the company's success and the employees' sense of well-being."

- Burkhart Grob - 

Family-operated for three generations

Dr. Ernst Grob founded Ernst Grob Werkzeug- und Maschinenfabrik in Munich in 1926. His son Dr. Burkhart Grob assumed responsibility for the company in 1952 and took GROB-WERKE to the leading market position it holds today.


Even after Dr. Burkhart Grob passed away in May 2016, the future of our family company has been strictly set out. Christian Grob manages the company in the third generation as the new Supervisory Board Chairman, preparing the next generation for future tasks at this early stage.

Dr. Ernst Grob
Dr. Ernst Grob

Founder and Managing Director of Ernst Grob Werkzeug- und Maschinenfabrik from 1926 to 1952

Dr. Burkhart Grob
Dr. Burkhart Grob

Managing Director and Supervisory Board Chairman of GROB-WERKE from 1952 to 2016

Christian Grob
Christian Grob

Supervisory Board Chairman of GROB-WERKE since 2016

Would you like to learn more about the success story of GROB?

Take an exciting trip through time from 1926 to the present day.