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On May 21, 1926, engineer Ernst Grob registered the company Ernst Grob Werkzeug- und Maschinenfabrik in the Commercial Register of the city of Munich. Today, 95 years later, the company in the Hofmannstrasse in Munich-Sendling has become a global, family-owned company with almost 6,800 employees and an operating revenue of more than one billion euros.
[Translate to en:] GROB-WERKE Mindelheim
[Translate to en:] Ernst Grob Werkzeug- und Maschinenfabrik

During the 95 years that have passed since the founding of the company by Ernst Grob, GROB's engineers and developers have mastered several technological quantum leaps, from the first thread rolling machine to the cutting-edge and complex universal machining center range of the G150 to the G1050. In spite of all crises, such as World War II, when the factory buildings in Munich were destroyed, the oil crisis of 1973/74, the financial crisis of 2008 and most recently the transformation of the automotive industry with drive technology, GROB has always found an answer to new challenges.


Certainly, one of the most crucial decisions in the history of our family company was made in the year 2016, when management, supported by the owning family, decided to become active in the area of electromobility with large investments, significantly re-aligning the company. This was a courageous decision at the time, because the area of electromobility was uncharted territory for GROB despite its comprehensive core competences in mechanical engineering and automation. Furthermore, the automotive industry was sending very cautious signals concerning this technology at that time.


And today? Five years later, GROB has managed to provide its customers with an integrated concept for tomorrow's components by means of its modular, flexible, and scaleable electric powertrain solutions. Within a very short time, GROB became the global technology and market leader thanks to its complete production and assembly lines for e-drive components.


Although GROB is now one of the major German engineering companies, it is still family-owned and can therefore be flexible and autonomous in making far-reaching, strategic decisions. It is no secret that this has helped our business stay strong throughout the 95 years of its history.